The language and culture of Pirojpur is quite ancient and rich. Being in the middle of Barisal and Khulna, the language of these two regions was observed in the language of Pirojpur. However Pirojpur has no regional language, no special language-speaking group. In the 17th and the 18th century, the scholarship of Bakla gained popularity throughout India. Among the prominent poets of this district are Ahsan Habib, Abul Hassan, Sankagupta, Biswajit Ghosh, Muhammad Habibur Rahman, Emdad Ali Firozi, MA Bari, Shaikh Shahidul Islam, Khan Mohamed Mosleh Uddin's name, Swa-Mahima. The Pirojpur is famous for the singing of the song .
At present, the cultural groups like Udichi Artists Group, Dishari Shilpi Group, Sangita, Dhonni Artist Group, Ruparni Natya Group, Pirojpur Theater, Krishnutra Theater, Balaka Natyam etc. have continued their efforts in uplifting and promoting regional heritage.
Pirojpur Officers Club, Gopal Krishna Town Club, Balaka Club, etc. are playing special role in the advancement of language and culture.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS